Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CAARDVARKS kraft challenge!

This card was made for the Kraft challenge over at Caardvarks! (I'm creating a second post about it so its easier to link to and not so confusing.)

I recently fell in love with Kraft cardstock so this challenge totally inspired me (:
I miss participating in challenges and hope to do more soon!

okay, now i'm really off to study. lol.

<3 amy


  1. Love the woven kraft background with all of those fun details ... the stitching is fabulous.

  2. wow Amy-I love the paper weaving on this-fab card!

  3. Oh wow, this is so fabulous! That woven background is amazing and I love the bright colors with the kraft!

  4. YOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS CARD!!!!!!!!!! OMG!! SO BEAUTIFUL, GIRL!!
    YOu rocked this one out!!! Oh yeah!

  5. So, how do you do that stitching? Is that a special, thicker material? And I am assuming you stitched that by hand?
    And let me know if you need my address so you can mail that out to me right away!!!


  6. wow, wow, WOoooOOOooOOoOoOw!!! i ♥love♥ absolutely every single thing about this! (& again i say, "WOW!") :)
