Its a tri- fold card and I used all American Crafts paper (Teen Collection), some lace, Prima flowers, Basic Grey brads, thread, and felt to make the birdies. Gosh, I LOVE the birdies and wish I had the patience to make a whole bunch of them. I just hate cutting felt and trying to glue the itty bitty pieces together. It's so much work but then again just so darn cute! ah. lol.
Today was also my last HIGH SCHOOL soccer game EVER! The season is over! Its is such a bittersweet moment and I don't really know how to feel. I love playing soccer but there are times when I am just over it. Anyways, we did beat University High School (my best friend's school) 3-2 so it was all good. And Lexi scored and I assisted her shot! YAY! good times (:
Oh, and to my horror....after the game I took off my cleats and my shins were WHITE! I had been using this lotion with a tanner in it for the past week and supposedly last night's application didn't absorb all the way so I had half white half tan legs from all sweat. So depressing! I got home and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed my legs so they are better now and look evenly WHITE. oh well. It was an interesting experience to say the least. lol.
Alright. Well, tengo un exam para espanol cuatro manana entoces neccestio estudiar y dormir mucho.
such cute stuff going on here, amy!!!! =)