so when i started this blog i told myself i would be good blogger...meaning consistent and dedicated. lol. and yet i haven't posted in nearly a week! i do think about posting projects a lot...but iono...i always get side tracked i guess.
nothing new really going on. pressure of college acceptance letters coming next month is starting to hit me lately. i'm kinda FREAKIN' OUT! but then again, who isn't right? school is pretty, well monotonous and ehh. i don't see many of my friends much which isn't fun.
anyways, here are a few scrapbooking layouts/projects from the past few weeks.

This is design work for The Pretty Committee for last month! I think I am on the Kraft Cardstock train! I LOVE IT! Sadly, however, this was my one and only piece. I have some other cardstock that is similar but its just not the same as THIS one by The Paper Company! I am thinking about investing in some more (:

I made this layout for my cousin's birthday in January. I had no idea where I was going with the layout for the longest time so it took me a while to finish. I think A LOT when I scrapbook. My thinking makes up for a lack of layout sketches probably.

Me [RIGHT NOW]!! This has got to be my one of my favorite layouts of all time. Like the Special Bond LO, this took quite a while to design. I knew I wanted to use the photo strip (which i LOVE) and the circular cardstock but I didn't know how include the patterened papers. Finally I figured it out and adore it! The October Afternoon papers really give the layout warmy-elegance...if you know what I mean.
Also, just wanted to share...

aww! little lefty cutting his GUITAR HERO CAKE!! now he's a teenage lefty =/
can't believe it. i remember when i was in middle school and i would have conversations with him saying...
"omg, when i am a senior you'll be in 8th grade! and when i am in college you'll be in high school!"
now its actually HAPPENING! time flys! does.
alright. well that's all for today.
<3 amy
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