Well. There's definitely no more of this for the next three months!

I put all my books away and they are actively collecting DUST. Lots of dust! (:
Also, this happened!

YAY! It was a bittersweet day to say the least. Oh, an I officially have a HATRED for graduation caps (whatever they are called). I LOATHE whoever invented those things. I mean, really? One size fits all? My butt! I pinned mine to my head incredibly tights and my hand was permanently attached to my head so my cap would not BLOW AWAY while I walked up the stage! UGH. That was more stressful than walking down a steep ramp in four inch heels. I'm serious!
So with graduation comes graduation presents! I had to plan out what to make my friends and am actually in the process of finishing off some gifts.
This altered keepsakes box is nearly finished and I LOVE how it turned out (:

In some fun news! I got a call from Soraya's mom and she wanted to plan ANOTHER surprise party for Soraya! No joke, this is probably the FIFTH surprise party we have thrown for her! Ah, they are just so much fun and she is just too gullible! Her mom needed to get her out of the house an hour before friends arrived so she sent her daughter to look for whipped cream....whipped cream with CHERRIES in it! Yea. I know.
It doesn't exist!
Her mom knew that.
I knew that.
Her friends knew that.
Everybody knows that.
Except Soraya!
So she went on a Ralphs run to look for something that didn't exist while everybody came and hid! (:
And being me, I always come bearing dessert!

i learned to make these from bakerella (:
and my bestie and I! iloveyou<3 When I was at their new house I also saw these hanging on Soraya and her mom's bedroom doors!

COOL HUH? I made these for them over spring break and was pleasantly excited when I saw that they hung them up!
Alright. This was a pretty long post so I shall end it for tonight!
<3 amy
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